Sunday, March 14, 2021

Kim Treloar- Introduction

 Hi Everyone, 

My name is Kim Treloar, I am not one who loves pictures of myself so I used a picture of me and my 20 year old daughter Kiley. I will be receiving my Associate's degree in Business Management upon completion of this course. I am very excited for that! I will be continuing on to receive my Bachelor's. Kiley is my only child, she is a Junior at UConn. I remind her often that we are both college students! 😃 

I work at ThermoSpas Hot Tub Products and have been there for 20 years. I decided to continue my education to allow myself to grow within the company. 

I am looking forward to this class!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim… Welcome to class! You're off to a great start things seem to be moving in very much the right direction with Photoshop. Looking forward to working with you.


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